
We address the unique needs and challenges of all individuals by facilitating accessibility, 流动性, 通过我们的项目和服务让社区参与进来. 我们的电台, 停止, Park-n-Rides, and vehicles have accessible features to make getting to your destination easy. We offer customized travel training and provide special services and accommodations for those who can’t use our fixed route buses and trains.

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根据科罗拉多州法律(第7条) 18-13-107.3), intentional misrepresentation of entitlement to a service animal is illegal.

  1. A person commits intentional misrepresentation of entitlement to an assistance animal if:
    1. The person intentionally misrepresents entitlement to an animal in his or her possession as an assistance animal for the purpose of obtaining any of the rights or privileges set forth in state or federal law for an individual with a disability as a reasonable accommodation in housing;
    2. The person was previously given a written or verbal warning regarding the fact that it is illegal to intentionally misrepresent entitlement to an assistance animal;
    3. 这个人知道:
      1. The animal is not an assistance animal with regard to that person; or
      2. 这个人没有残疾.


根据联邦和科罗拉多州的规定, 服务的动物 are defined as dogs or miniature horses that must be individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. 这种工作或任务的例子包括引导盲人, 提醒聋人, 拉轮椅, 提醒癫痫发作的人, 提醒精神病患者服用处方药物, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, 或履行其他职责.

The public perception of what a service animal is may not align with the standards set forth under ADA and DOT regulations. 以下是需要考虑的要点:

  • 服务性动物还必须始终处于其训导员的控制之下. 这通常是通过使用皮带或挽具来完成的, 在极少数情况下, 通过口头命令.
  • 服务性动物举止冷静, 不会过度吠叫或引发暴力和严重的破坏性行为, 经过室内训练,重点是训练它的主人.
  • 服务性动物是工作动物,不是宠物. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability.
  • 安慰, emotional support and therapy animals do not qualify as service animals because they do not perform a service or task.
  • 大多数服务性动物被培育成服务性动物, undergoing extensive behavioral and skills training with the goal of eventually assisting someone with a disability. 虽然没有官方的认证, 拥有服务性动物所需的证明或许可, 服务性动物通常需要数年时间才能做好工作准备.

RTD将始终如一地遵守ADA和DOT的所有规定. 我们认为这样做最能保障残疾人士的权益.


服务性动物可以陪伴残疾旅客. 如果您需要帮助找座位,请通知巴士运营商. The operator may deny boarding or request that you remove the animal if it becomes violent, 颠覆性的, 对其他乘客构成威胁或不守规矩.


出于安全考虑, 请让服务性动物远离过道, 坐在地板上, 放在座位下面,或者完全放在主人的腿上. 服务性动物不允许坐在座位上.



安全是RTD的首要任务. 我们提供几种不同的安全计划,包括夜间停车, 运输手表, 与安全合作伙伴.

RTD提供了 晚上停止 在所有本地快铁巴士路线提供服务, 除了丹佛市中心与第11大道接壤的地区, 格兰特圣, 23日圣, 斯皮尔大街, 和我25, 由于频繁的停车和大量的警察巡逻. The service is provided as a safety measure for anyone who request to be dropped off at any safe location along the route. 告诉公共汽车司机你想在晚上停车, 至少在你最终目的地前一个街区.

这项服务主要在晚高峰时间晚上7点之后提供.m. 到5岁.m. the following morning, and is for unaccompanied (not including children) deboarding passengers only. The driver will determine a safe deboarding location and ask that you exit through the front door of the bus.

我们的 安全伙伴 项目是RTD员工之间的合作成果, 我们的乘客, and the general public to raise awareness of issues and actions that promote a safer environment around our vehicles.

如果你看到什么就说出来. 运输手表 is an innovative program that trains RTD 交通警察 and Security Officers in the latest law enforcement techniques and counter-terrorism measures. 增加了巡逻和电子监控, 到对RTD车辆和设施的突击检查, 我们采取了一切预防措施,以确保车辆和乘客的安全.

Download RTD’s 运输手表 app for a quick and easy way to communicate directly with RTD 交通警察 about suspicious activity, 有关乘坐或车站质量的问题, 或者接收更新, 警报, 安全信息. 现在下载应用程序 iOS or 安卓.


RTD在所有本地RTD巴士路线上都提供夜间停车服务, 除了丹佛市中心与第11大道接壤的地区, 格兰特街, 23号街, 斯皮尔大道, 和我25 由于频繁的停车和大量的警察巡逻. The service is provided as a safety measure for anyone who requests to be dropped off at any safe location along the route. 告诉公共汽车司机你想在晚上停车, 至少在你最终目的地前一个街区.

这项服务主要在晚高峰时间晚上7点之后提供.m. 到5岁.m. 第二天早上,只供离机旅客使用. The driver will determine a safe deboarding location and ask that you exit through the front door of the bus.


RTD relies on 我们的乘客 and the general public to be aware of and alert to any suspicious or dangerous activity on RTD property. 如果你看到什么,就说出来. 随时向RTD报告可疑行为 运输手表,电话: 303-299-2911,文本在 303-434-9100,或电邮至 (电子邮件保护). 在极端紧急情况下,一定要打911.



个人服务员, aides and trainers accompanying passengers who have a disability are permitted to ride for free. 服务性动物也可以陪伴残疾乘客.

Please inform the operator after paying your fare that you are travelling with an aide.


您可以带着呼吸器或便携式供氧器登上任何RTD服务. When calculating the amount of oxygen required, plan to include more than two hours of travel time.


协助所有客户, 尤其是那些有视觉和听觉障碍的人, we have implemented an automated voice and display announcement system on buses across the district.

The Automatic Stop Announcements (ASA) system will announce 停止 along the route and popular transfer locations inside the bus, 并在车门打开时向外广播路线和最终目的地. If you have difficulty hearing or understanding the announcements, please notify the bus operator. Bus operators will call out transfer points and will notify visually impaired passengers of their stop upon request.

If there are issues with the accessibility or visibility at your bus stop contact RTD’s 客户关怀 by phone at 303-299-6000.


RTD有一支除雪队,负责清理许多最繁忙的车站. However, with almost 10,000 bus 停止, it is difficult for RTD to clear every stop. RTD负责某些地区的除雪,但不负责其他地区的除雪, so RTD collaborates with municipalities and businesses to ensure the responsible party is aware of their obligations to clear the stop. When encountering problems at your bus stop, please contact RTD’s 客户关怀 by phone at 303-299-6000.


电梯和坡道位于方便乘客的设施内. 如果电梯发生故障,相关信息将在网上发布 服务警报. 乘客可以报名参加 接收电子邮件通知 以及这些中断.


Disabled customers needing assistance at RTD facilities may use the emergency telephones inside elevators. 只要按下按钮, 手机将自动连接到RTD的安全指挥中心.


The RTD website incorporates accessibility standards for persons with disabilities including guidelines from the 网页可及性 Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. We are dedicated to providing the best transit experience to each and every rider, 并将继续采取措施改善rd -denver.com.



RTD hosts two separate committees to provide valuable feedback that will help facilitate positive changes and improvements to RTD’s accessible services and programs.
